Rejuvenate Ageing Skin

Innovative solutions to rejuvenate and restore the appearance of ageing or sagging skin. Suited for: loss of volume, wrinkles, uneven texture, scarring

Achieve a natural, youthful glow today.

We offer advanced skincare solutions to stimulate collagen production for a more youthful appearance. To learn more, come in for a consultation at the Dermatology Institute of Victoria.

Book a consultation now.


Why is collagen production important?

Collagen is a crucial protein that provides structure, strength, and elasticity to the skin. It plays a pivotal role in maintaining the firmness, elasticity, and overall health of our skin. As we age, our body's natural collagen production decreases, leading to the development of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. We offer solutions tailored to enhance collagen production and restore skin elasticity by replenishing lost collagen. Book a consultation to learn more today.


Collagen loss can impact these areas


Restore natural, firmer, glowing skin.

Whether you are seeking to restore lost volume, smooth out wrinkles, or rejuvenate ageing skin, we are here to help. Come in for a consultation to start your journey towards smooth skin and a youthful appearance today.


Book a Consultation

Please note that all treatment options offered at the Dermatology Institute of Victoria require a consultation with one of our practitioners prior to any treatment being administered. Ask a question or request an appointment through the form below.