Our team goes to the Non-Surgical Symposium 2016

At DIV we think ongoing education for our staff members is really important, this is because we work in a rapidly evolving industry where new techniques and advances are being made all the time. The more informed our staff are, the better they can educate our patients. Education even forms part of our mission statement. 

…Protocols of the highest standard including, safety, education and exceptional patient care…
— Taken from the Dermatology Institute of Victoria's mission statement

Because of this we are always seeking opportunities where our team can increase their knowledge. Last weekend the Non Surgical Symposium was held at the Melbourne Convention Centre, this is the premier educational event for non-surgical aesthetics (appearance medicine) in Australasia and several of our team happily volunteered to give up their weekend and attend, including procedural nurses Kristin Campbell, Tara Coetzer and Katy Wallace, practice manager Daniela Borzillo, dermatologists Assoc Prof Greg Goodman and Dr Katherine Armour as well as cosmetic GP Dr Sean Arendse. We spoke to some of the team about their experience. 

Kristin Campbell, Daniela Borzillo and Tara Coetzer arrive at the conference.

Kristin Campbell, Daniela Borzillo and Tara Coetzer arrive at the conference.

Q. Tell us something new that you learned?

‘At DIV we think it’s really important to focus on treatment plans,’ explains Tara Coetzer (RN). ‘Skin problems are often multifaceted so can require combinations of therapies in order to achieve the best outcomes. It was great to see that other industry leaders also follow this philosophy and were able to show us some unexpected combinations with great results. An example of this was using the Genesis laser (available at DIV) in combination with surface treatments such as peels or IPL (also both available at DIV). It was explained that the Genesis would enhance results as it stimulates collagen production deeper in the skin whilst the peel or IPL would work to improve evenness in skin tone and colour.’ 

Assoc. Prof. Greg Goodman looking very relaxed at the podium. 

Assoc. Prof. Greg Goodman looking very relaxed at the podium. 

‘We are obviously very lucky to have access to Assoc Prof Greg Goodman’s knowledge every day in the clinic,’ says Daniela Borzillo (Practice Manager), ‘but it was great to go into the main room and watch him present with other industry leaders to a very packed audience. The subject he was presenting on was quite complicated, but despite this he was clear and concise in explaining a technique for improving the appearance of the tear trough and infraorbital zone (basically hollowing and dark circles around the eyes) using dermal filler products.’ 

Q. Did you see or learn anything unexpected? 

‘I think it was great that the conference covered all the options patients have when considering enhancing their appearance,' continues Daniela Borzillo

'At DIV we obviously have very knowledgeable staff that know a lot about things such as lasers, but for me watching some of the makeovers using a few simple makeup products and some specialised techniques was a real eye opener!’

DIV procedural nurse Tara Coetzer is given a professional make up session. 

DIV procedural nurse Tara Coetzer is given a professional make up session. 

‘It was great to see some really interesting advances in the treatment of burns and scars that used technology that I wasn’t familiar with, ‘adds Tara Coetzer (RN). ‘This technology is so cutting edge that it’s not yet available in Australia but showcased a really exciting new direction and hopefully will be something our patients can access in the future.’ 

‘I loved a particular presentation that was cleverly named “Inflammaging” (a combination of inflammation and ageing),' says Kristin Campbell (RN). ‘It has been proven that oxidative stress can lead to disease.  More and more these days, the western world are acknowledging a link between gut health and skin health (click here to read our blog on how sugar gives you wrinkles) and how bad diet can lead to a leaky gut, which in turn causes inflammation. Culprits include a diet high in fat, processed food, Omega 6, as well as a lack of fibre and long term use of antibiotics. I learnt that some easy anti-inflammatary solutions exist that can be incorporated into everyday life including probiotics, prebiotics, good fats (nuts/seeds/avocado, fish oil,) fiber from veggies and low refined carbs and Omega 3 essential fatty acids.'  

Q. What was the conference highlight? 

‘The gala on Saturday night was a lot of fun,’ says,' Kristin Campbell (RN), 'and there was a surprise in store, it was Great Gatsby themed and they had hair and makeup stands and vintage headpieces to wear for the night and a great band to boot. It was a great opportunity to unwind after a long day of learning and socialise with people we generally only get to see on a professional basis. It was particularly entertaining to see all the professors dance!’

Kristin Campbell and Tara Coetzer at the NSS gala.

Kristin Campbell and Tara Coetzer at the NSS gala.

Watch this conference wrap up video to see what a great event our team attended. 

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