How can I get adequate Vitamin D during lockdown?

Now that Summer has become a distant memory and with strict lockdown conditions, many of us may find that we become vitamin D deficient.⠀ ⠀

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But what is Vitamin D?⠀

Surprisingly, it is actually a hormone responsible for controlling calcium levels in the blood, among other things. Out of the 13 core vitamins our body needs to stay healthy and thrive, vitamin D is the trickiest to absorb. While we only need very little, this vitamin is necessary for bone strength. ⠀⠀

So why is it such a challenge to get the recommended, daily amount?

Unlike the 12 other essential, organic compounds, vitamin D differs in the following ways:⠀
-It is produced in the body⠀
-It is absent from most natural foods with the exception of fish and egg yolks⠀
-When the body does obtain vitamin D from food, it must be transformed by the body before it can do any good⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀

So What About the Sun?⠀

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is necessary for the production of vitamin D in the skin and is the best natural source of vitamin D. However, how much UV exposure a person needs depends on the time of year, UV levels, their skin type and their existing vitamin D levels. Further, as society has shifted to computer screens and air conditioning, our time outdoors is substantially less than it was a century ago. We have also been programmed to lather up with SPF since too much UV ray exposure can cause skin cancer, leaving us with the conundrum; risk brittle bones or evade skin cancer?⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀

Here are some simple ways to get the vitamin D your body needs to keep your skeleton strong while eliminating skin cancer risk:⠀
-Vitamin D Supplements: Your doctor can recommend the daily amount needed if necessary⠀
-Fortified Foods: One can only eat so much fish and egg yolks, so look for foods that are fortified with vitamin D⠀
-Don’t Ditch the SPF: Diet and supplements are sufficient sources of vitamin D!⠀

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