What to do about your teenagers acne

Teenagers, puberty and breakouts seem to go hand in hand, with acne affecting 90% of male and 70% of female adolescents. And with school stresses, boy and girl troubles and the many changes that are going on in their bodies, it can be a down right tough time for our kids.
Acne can lead to scarring if the acne is severe, deep or cystic, or if the teenager picks at their pimples, and it can wreak havoc on a teen’s self-confidence. So to avoid this, prevention is always the best medicine.

Why is acne so common in teenagers?



“Most teenagers develop acne because of an increase in the levels of sex hormones that stimulate the oil glands to enlarge, increasing sebum production (oil) and increasing the likelihood of acne forming”, explains Assoc. Prof Greg Goodman. 


What is the first step I should take to improve my teenagers acne?

The goal of all acne treatment should be prevention. Prevention of further outbreaks and prevention of long term scarring.

If your teenager experiences mild acne (a couple of pimples at a time) then an appropriate skincare routine may be all that is required.

An affordable and effective range stocked by DIV for teenagers is ProPaira which contains niacinamide. RRP$29.00

An affordable and effective range stocked by DIV for teenagers is ProPaira which contains niacinamide. RRP$29.00

“There are so many ingredients that treat acne,” explains DIVs skincare expert Alani Fowler, “but my favourite is niacinamide, a form of Vitamin B3.  In terms of acne control, it is anti-inflammatory and inhibits sebum flow of the oil glands which helps to stop acne lesions forming. It can also be used by all skin types including sensitive, which is great for teenagers whose skin may react to stronger products that we may recommend to adults, such as Vitamin A.” 

Alani offers a free skincare service at DIV and can give your teenager individual advice. To book, call (03) 9826 4966 or use the form below to request an appointment. 

Is skincare enough?

For many teens, skincare alone is not enough and medical intervention may be required. The worst thing you can do is ignore the problem, as acne often doesn’t clear up on its own. Talk to your doctor as soon as possible, who may refer you to a Dermatologist if necessary.

I don't want my teenager taking oral medication

Many parents have concerns with some of the medications that are used to effectively treat acne. They don’t want their teenager on the oral contraceptive pill, or long term antibiotics and are concerned with the side effects that can be a consequence of a strong but very effective medication used to treat severe acne. Although these medications often work very well and can be the best treatment option, Assoc. Prof Greg Goodman says that there are good alternatives.

“Many people don’t realise that there are alternatives for treating acne, and we find an individualised plan that may include treatments like topical medications, HydraFacial, peels, microdermabrasion and Photo Dynamic Therapy, which involves a prescription topical cream being placed on the skin and then a light or laser is shined on it to kill the bacteria that causes acne, can work wonders. If scarring has already formed, we find Fraxel laser, skin needling and fractionated CO2 are just a few of the effective treatments.”

The Dermatology Institute of Victoria offers specialist acne advice with highly qualified male and female Dermatologists. Assoc Prof Greg Goodman holds a doctorate in the treatment of acne scarring. To book an appointment call (03) 9826 4966. 

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