Why AviClear is a breakthrough treatment for acne

Your Guide to AviClear Acne Treatment

If you're experiencing the pain of persistent breakouts or frustrated by the slow pace of results from traditional treatments, the AviClear laser could be the game-changer you've been looking for. Designed with patient comfort in mind- this innovative treatment targets the root cause of acne, offering a comprehensive solution for achieving clear, radiant skin.

AviClear is the first FDA-cleared laser energy device designed specifically for the treatment of moderate to severe acne.

AviClear Acne Laser: Dr Michaela Zallmann - Dermatologist (BBNSC (HONS), MBBS (HONS), FACD)

When sebaceous glands become unhealthy, they produce excess oil with a thick consistency, leading to clogged pores and breakouts. The AviClear laser takes aim at these troublesome glands, specifically targeting sebocytes – the cells responsible for oil production. Through the unique 1726 nm wavelength, this laser effectively reduces overall oil production, helping to improve existing acne and prevent future flare-ups.

What sets AviClear apart from other acne treatments?

Unlike other treatments that only address surface-level symptoms, AviClear works to effectively address the underlying cause of acne with three quick 30-minute treatment sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

- But what about the aftermath of treatment?

While some acne treatments may trigger an excessive purge as they work to unclog pores and eliminate acne-causing bacteria, AviClear™ operates differently. Most patients undergoing AviClear™ treatments experience a short term purge. Followed by a gradual improvement in their skin's clarity and texture as the treatment progresses.


How soon will I see results?

While results may not be immediate, optimal results are typically observed a few weeks after completing the FULL treatment course.

It is important to note that results may vary from person to person.

Concerned about discomfort during treatment?

Fear not – AviClear™ is designed with patient comfort in mind. While you may experience a slight snapping sensation during the treatment, most patients tolerate it well, especially with the added benefit of AviCool™ contact cooling technology. While results may not be immediate, the gradual improvement in acne severity and skin texture is well worth the wait.

Book your consultation today and embark on your journey to a brighter, blemish-free future.
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